Brilliance The Musical

Full Campaign

Web Design

Experience the musical Brilliance.

Brilliance is a musical written about the life of 1940’s actress Frances Farmer, who was involuntarily committed to an insane asylum by her own mother. The story tells of her sinuous struggle between fame and freedom, and I had the honor of bringing this musical to life graphically across all mediums: designing the key graphic, website, print materials, poster, digital marketing assets, email blasts, and published script and score book.

Print / Marketing Materials

Crazy? Or strong willed?

Frances Farmer was a strong-willed woman, in a world that just couldn’t handle her intensity. I hope that bringing this musical into the public eye will cause us to question the state of the mental health crisis in our society as a whole. Print and marketing material designs include: poster for Player’s Theatre in NYC, postcards, business card, Playbill advertisement, email blast, and published script and score book.

Published Script + Score Book

Make a VIP entrance.

This published book is included in the Brilliance VIP ticket package, along with a branded flash drive and reserved front row seat. Get yours today!